Launching a Collection Can Have Unexpected Turns

It's been a while since my book was launched in Teignmouth and Wells, both of which were joyous occasions. The Teignmouth event ended up with everyone celebrating themselves by dancing to music from a playlist specially designed for the occasion. Since then I was hit with a string of health issues, including a virus with high fever and the most dramatic viral rash. 

This book represents the culmination of a lifetime of creativity, through acting, art and writing. My past, especially the showbiz bit, had amazing moments, but was often frustrating and dogged by some major disappointments. The therapist in me says, I suppose the illness could have been a releasing of past stuff. We store difficult psychological stuff in our unconscious and in our bodies.  Even good news can be a source of stress, as it changes our perception of ourselves. 

I was intensely ill for a few days and have taken it slowly to convalesce. After all I'm in my seventies and my body needs all the help it can get. Now I can look forward to the other wonderful events that await me.  On June 1st week I read at the Seren Online First Thursday Series, which enabled dear friends and family to attend. It was beautifully hosted by Sarah Johnson and Zoe Brigley from Seren. I also had the chance to hear Vanessa Lampert read from her debut collection, Say it With Me.

My next live stops will be a reading with Jill Abram at London's Torriano Meeting House next Sunday June 11th    and on June 30th at Bristol Bookhaus along with Robert Walton, Elizabeth Parker and Claire Williamson.

Meanwhile I'm zooming with Poetry Teignmouth on June 6th together with Veronica Aaronson. 


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